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EcoActiva Vegetation Enhancer

EcoActiva Vegetation Enhancer (EVE) is a revolutionary growth enhancer for vegetables, fruits, flowers and plants. The use of EVE reduces growing costs and increases product yield, providing sound economic benefits to farmers and to environment via reducing chemical fertilizer and pesticide use. EVE is a naturally occurring mineral with no synthetic chemicals for use in organic production. EVE admixed with soil fertilizer spurs growth to produce larger, greener and more healthful vegetables, providing:

  • Soil remediation by transforming acidic soil into slightly alkaline one as well as destructing toxic chemical compounds
  • Fortification of natural balance with micronutrient minerals
  • Harmful bacteria and fungi suppressant
  • Life energy wave of far infrared rays for invigorating growth
  • Facilitation of efficient degradation of organic wastes and chemical pollutants
  • Better breeding of useful micro-organisms in the soil
  • Improvement in the quality of products (taste, color and other appearances, along with product shelf life)

Benefits of EVE

Soil Remediation:

EVE enhances the growth of micro-organisms in the soil and neutralizes the acidic soil. Further, it transforms it into slightly alkaline soil desirable for healthy vegetable growth by dissolving alkaline and alkaline earth metals. It also contributes to destruct toxic chemicals such as pesticides and heavy metals that are known to be harmful to vegetable growth.

Supply of Nutrient Minerals:

A variety of minerals contained in EVE are dissolved in the moisture of the soil. Nutrient minerals misted into plants contribute to vigorous root growth and more fruit per plant.

Suppression of Harmful Bacteria and Fungi:

EVE acts to purify moisture in the soil and to destruct toxic gas that is known to cause the disease in the root. Accordingly, it prevents the plant root from developing rotting decay.

Emitting the Life Energy Light of Far Infrared rays:

Far infrared rays emitted from EVE enhance the growth of microorganisms in the soil and spur the production of more growth enzyme for greener plant leaves. The application of EVE contributes especially to the development of premium organic producers.


Activa BioGreen

Activa is comprising of the igneous crystalline minerals formed naturally via a prehistoric volcanic eruption and subsequent prolonged hydrothermal transformation processes. Activa has the capability of emitting a life-invigorating FIR light for the application to the enhancement of fermentation of micro-organisms, water and wastewater treatments and agricultural productions.

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